<strong>King Charles III Coronation Medal</strong>

One week ago, our late cherished community member Brian Jackson Merrett was honoured with the King Charles III Coronation Medal.
The Coronation Medal was created to mark the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III, which took place on May 6th, 2023. This is the first Canadian commemorative medal to mark a coronation. The office of the Secretary to the Governor General is responsible for administering the King Charles III Coronation Medal program. The medal was awarded to 30 000 deserving individuals. To be eligible for this honour, a person must have made a significant contribution to Canada or to a particular province, territory, region of, or community in Canada. This is a nomination based acknowledgement, Canadians were welcome to nominate deserving candidates for the honour.
Below is the statement written by the nominator in his honour:
“Photographer Brian Merrett spent over fifty years in service to architectural heritage, publishing several books on the styles, landmarks and buildings of Montreal and Quebec, and
leading in their conservation; his work is included in many private, corporate and public collections. His photographs informed and inspired a citywide movement to save Montreal’s
heritage buildings during the 1970s demolition derby and beyond.
Brian lived his latter decades in North Hatley, where he gently pushed toward a better world. In 2014, a coalition of citizens who’s care and love of North Hatley, its history, quality of life and unique character decided to band together. Brian recognized the need for development and growth, but a harmonious space for voices to be heard. Friends/Amis North Hatley (FANHCA) was thus created. This online forum has become a reliable and respected source of information about the community. Brian’s love for preserving and protecting this incredible village; whether it be the lake, its history, architecture or overall quality of life will be his legacy. Brian set an incredible example for all to follow.”

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