Running for a Good Cause!
The North Hatley Mother’s Day Half Marathon helps raise funds to support the Recreational Services of the Municipality of North Hatley, which organizes activities for young people and provides assistance to children in the area.
The programme comprises four races:
- 1 km for children (11:30 a.m.)
- 5 km (8:30 a.m., open to walkers)
- 10 km (8:30 a.m.)
- 21.1 km (8:30 a.m.)
This event is open to runners of all levels. Two weeks before the Ottawa Marathon, it’s a great way to fine-tune your training!
The race is followed by a Mother’s Day brunch.
For more information or to register, visit the North Hatley Mother’s Day Half Marathon website.
Each year, volunteers are needed! You can get involved even if you’re not a runner. Help is always needed to direct traffic, provide the runners with food and water, and other areas.
Don’t miss the opportunity to take part in this celebration of Spring!
You can contact the organisers by telephone (819 842-2754) or by email (