The Village of North Hatley provides an update

Dear fellow citizens of North Hatley,

We would like to share with you some good news for our village, namely the long-term prospects of a coordinated set of initiatives that promise an ever-better life for all those who love North Hatley.

The municipal council and I have been working on a series of exciting projects that we look forward to sharing with our community.


As many of you know, the Pleasant View building (NHRS) has deteriorated, and its structure has unfortunately become unstable over the years. We have been operating on borrowed time.

The good news is that we are in the final stages of a grant application process that will enable us to build a new and improved building while preserving some of the heritage features of the existing one. A place where citizens and community groups can come together as one.

The proposed center will be located on the existing property but will be set back from the lake for environmental reasons. The Quebec government PRACIM grant program criteria for the basic design and vocation of the building are strict and clear.

Although the overall space is predetermined and must meet the program’s vocation criteria, it will be up to us to define the final uses of the space, in accordance with the conditions set out in the agreement. We want these uses to reflect the wishes of all North Hatley residents. A committee made up of citizens and the municipality will be set up to survey the thoughts and opinions of the community, followed by a public presentation to announce the results. Further information will be released once the village has received the green light from the program.

Of course, this use will be subject to certain limitations. First and foremost, the use of the facility will give priority to the citizens of North Hatley. The basis of the grant clearly underlines a strong commitment to the community. Rest assured that the project was never intended to house town offices, nor will the building become a commercial use facility; this project is intended to provide the village with a year-round building for the benefit of the community. The Municipality has ensured that the original appearance and design of the building will be maintained. As soon as we have the necessary permits, construction will begin shortly thereafter.


In addition to the aforementioned project, many of you will be aware of the extraordinary opportunities available in the heart of the village. These include the covered refrigerated skating rink funded by a donation from the Pollock family, a new grant application funded by the Ministry of Tourism to rebuild the marina (pending approval), ongoing improvements to River Park and the development of properties in these areas. The boundaries of the projects lie in the very heart of the village: from the old Baptist Church to the Farmer’s Market, from the bike trail and Capelton Road to the Massawippi river and Chemin de la Rivière.

The possibilities are so great that we want to ensure that all efforts are planned in conjunction with each other and, most importantly, that they reflect an architectural theme that complements North Hatley’s finest buildings. We envision a “town square” that will revitalize the entire area, with environmentally enhanced “green” and “blue” spaces.

We will be calling on expert firms to help us create a vision of North Hatley for the future. We want to change the village center in a way that we, the citizens of North Hatley, can proudly call our own.

One of the most important aspects of the master plan is to define the basis of requirements for current and future developers, reflecting the spirit of the community. Once the requirements are well defined, developers will then have a clear vision enabling them to present their projects in the knowledge that they are part of the community’s long-term vision. That said, we all recognize that North Hatley needs to improve its financial situation and that we need additional housing to meet the needs of the people and families moving here. We believe we can work with the developers to create a project that meets their expectations but reflects our greatest dreams for our village.

To move forward with this project, we are applying for private and philanthropic funding. We believe having a clear and transparent master plan will enable our village to prosper in a diverse environment that will perfectly reflect the vision of a thriving and harmonious North Hatley.

The council and I look forward to collaborating with you as we move forward.


Marcella Davis Gerrish


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